The audiometer is a PDD-401 PC based screening audiometer that meets IEC 645-1 standard. The audiometer can be used to screen for the air conductive examination of hearing system. The audiometer has two modes of operation, a pure tone average (PTA) mode and a grade of hearing impairment (GHI) mode. The PTA mode is used to determine the hearing threshold of a patient, while the GHI mode is used to determine the hearing impairment of a patient. The audiometer can be connected to a laptop PC for portability. The audiometer has an unlimited storage of patients and results. The audiometer also has trend analysis and connects to a laptop PC for full portability.
Piston Audiometer With Software
Audiometer: PDD-401
PC based screening audiometer for the air conductive examination of hearing system
IEC 645-1 standard
Class Type 4 and Type 5
EN ISO 7029:2000 Statistical distribution of hearing threshold s as a function of age
Interpretation by PTA (Pure Tone Average)
Interpretation by Grade of Hearing Impairment
System integration
System integration with Piston spirometers
System integration into information networks
Health Level 7 (USA)
Ger*te Daten Tr*ger (Germany)
Database management system
Unlimited storage of patients and results
Full support of pre-post examinations
Trend analysis
Connecting to a laptop PC provides full portability in battery mode as well